A Safe Place During Life’s Struggles
"I started attending bible study when I was in college at SHSU and it really helped ground me and give me that refresh once a week. I then got married and my husband joined the military. I am able to rely on the ladies to help me through this really tough time. If it weren’t for bible study, I’d probably be in a dark hole. I also think that bible study brought me closer to God and I’m able to see his amazing works through the ladies. It’s definitely something I can look forward to every week!"
Real Women, Real Questions
It’s okay to have doubts and we all have questions. We are here for the real, raw, authentic conversations and prayers that change hearts. Through the doubts, the questions, the laughs, the tears, the shouts of praise, and everything in between, we exist to build each other up and help one another look a little more like Jesus every day. The Apostle Paul wrote, “...though we are many, we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others.” - Romans 12:5
You Have Purpose
What that means is that you have a unique purpose. God gave you something that no one else can add to the body of Christ. God never intended for His children to walk through life alone. So…what are you waiting for, sister? There is plenty of room at the table, and no question is unwelcome. Start learning about Jesus by coming to a bible study. Over time, your journey will take you from learning about Christ to living for Him, and applying His word to your daily life. And we’re here for you every single step of the way…good days and bad. Bring what you have, and come as you are. We’ll save you a seat.
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Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular information, reminders, encouragement, and accountability. For immediate questions, email Ladies@LoneStar.Tv.
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4 Ways to Get Started
1. Join Ladies’ bible study!
2. Come to church on Sunday
3. Follow @lonestarladiesministry on Facebook or Instagram
4. Send us an email!